Sabtu, 27 September 2008

Our Wedding's Photos

Assalamu'alaikum warohamtullaahi wabarokaatuhu. These are our wedding's photos.It recorded on 5th january 2008, after i said the "ijab qobul" at Masjid Miftakhul Huda near my wife 's house.Hope, it will be the first and the last marriage during our lifetime. May the GOD will always bless our family forever. Let's me ask all of you to pray together for 'my little baby' that still in my wife's body.Hope she will always fine till the day her be born by her mom.And my wife too. Hope that happiness always come to your life.Aminn yaa robbal alamiinn.Thank' a lot. Wassalamu'alaikum warohmatullaahi wabarokaatuhu.

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